Monday, August 23, 2010

A Lil Fiasco

So I definitely had a rude awakening this morning. Before 7 a.m. (the time Kurt was leaving for work) I hear a yell from downstairs.... "Tonya, we have a problem!" So I stumble out of bed, crazy hair and all, crawl down the stairs to discover that someone had broken into Kurt's truck. They stole our GPS and a checkbook that was in the middle console. Talk about a Monday! So we had to call the cops, the insurance company, the bank, etc. A report was filed, we were both late for work, and we now have a new bank account.

Guess I should try to get some sleep....just feel so violated, I couldn't imagine how I would feel if someone were to ever break in our home. I can't sleep as it is now .... bah, stupid people! At least I did make a new friend today :) Her pic is below

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