Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Anniversary Weekend!

Kurt and I finally celebrated our first anniversary, a little late. But it's always better late than never, right?

We had a very nice quiet night spent at the glamorous Ginn Hammock Beach Resort in Palm Coast, FL. This was the site we spent our first night having the same last name! It is located about five miles south of Marineland where the wedding was held.

When we arrived, we had an hour to kill while waiting for our room to become available. So we went and sat next to the pool (one of like 5!) and ordered some nachos that were worth the $10.00 they cost our poor souls! After the nachos we explored the resort, it had much more than we even realized! It was huge with a lazy river (that kurt wouldn't let me float down) and a water slide (read previous parenthesis :p)

It was a magical night full of chocolate covered strawberries, champagne, cheap sangria, pizza, and the fast and the furious. Oh! Can't forget about our robes too that is living the life. haha. It was nice to get away and just relax after a tough long semester for me at school.

he next morning we enjoyed a free breakfast! (okay so not free b/c we paid for it in the package, but it felt like it was free). It was pretty tasty! Then we packed up our stuff and went and hung out by the pool for the rest of our time there enjoying the sun and playing with our underwater camera ;)

I was very sad to leave, but knowing the meanie Kurt is, he made me. (okay so maybe I really was whining about needing to go pick up keiko, but that's no fun to admit) So these are our sad faces that we must get back to reality....walking the dog, cleaning the litter box, cooking, job, and soul searching....why can't we always just live the fantasy ginn hammock life?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

25 Things About Our Marriage

25 Things About my Marriage:

This is kind of like the 25 things - except there are pre-decided questions and it's about you and your spouse (or bf/fiance), not just you. Copy this post into your own notes & change the answers!

What are your middle names?


How long have you been together?

3 years total, almost 1 year of marriage J

How long did you know each other before you started dating?

Um…technically about 1 ½ month…officially 3 days before we were official. lol

Who asked who out?

He said “so can I call you my girl?” I said “Yes!” (im sure with a huge beaming smile) and he goes “so you know this means that you’re my girl only”…and I said “only if that means you are my guy only.” Haha it was silly.

How old are each of you?

I’m 23 he’s 24.

Whose siblings do/ did you see the most?

Probably his because mine live 16 hrs away… L

Do you have any children?

Nope, but we will in about 3 years J

What about pets?

Yes…2 cats (claira and conan) and 1 dog (Keiko)

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?

Right now ….school. I’m in school 8-5 pretty much everyday and then come home to study. So there’s not much time for a relationship when you are working on your doctorate’s. We get through it though and it will be well worth it by time graduation comes (December 2009). I think it makes us stronger, actually.

Did you go to the same school?


Are you from the same home town?

Nope. He’s from Sarasota, I’m from Lewisburg (ohio)

Who is the smartest?

Booksmart, me… common sense, I’ll give it to him ;) He’s definitely better with money stuff like budgeting and things like that.

Who is the most sensitive?

It kind of depends. He is a sensitive guy…but I definitely have my moments where I’ve locked myself in the closet to cry…yes its true, I cry…usually over stupid stuff too, kinda a girl thing I suppose.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?

Um…subway? Does that even count? Lol. We actually don’t go out to dinner to often unless its to pick up something quick. When we do go out we usually go to different places.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?

On our cruise for the honeymoon…. Cozumel, Mexico, Grand Cayman, and Ocho Rios, Jamaica.

What is your favorite show to watch together?

House, Biggest Loser, Worst Week, How I Met Your Mother, Grey’s, Private Practice, and almost anything on HGTV. Like I said, im a grad student, we don’t have money…its how we get our entertainment people. Sad, I know….but im too exhausted to spend energy on anything other than the couch.

Who does the cooking?

A little bit of both. It has been him more so lately though. Again its that school thing…

Who is more social?

Probably me.

Who is the neat freak?

Neither of us really. Once my schedule lightens up, it will be me though. But I cant complain since Kurt’s the one doing most of the cleaning day it’ll be clean how I like it…but for now there’s more important things to worry about than a sink full of dirty dishes and 10 loads of laundry to catch up on J

Who is the more stubborn?

Oh..definitely me. I will say, I feel as though I am less stubborn these days than I used to be.

Who hogs the bed?

We are pretty good at sharing the bed…he does tend to hog the covers though.

Who wakes up earlier?

Usually me….i gotta leave for school earlier than he has to leave for work…and it usually starts earlier too.

Where was your first date?

We rented Bad News Bears and watched it in my dorm

Who has the bigger family?

Definitely me…he hasn’t even met my entire family yet!!!!

Do you get flowers often?

Nope. I’m not really a flower getting kinda girl….he’s not much of a flower giving kinda guy. My philosophy is they just die, spend the money on something else… however it is nice to get them on those rare occasions. Then…I’d rather have like a pot of flowers not a few stems or whatever.

How do you spend the holidays?

We are still trying to figure that part out. It will probably be Thanksgiving in Ohio, Christmas in Florida…since we will be living in Ohio come this December and will get to see my family much more often than his.

Who is more jealous?

Hmm….not sure on this one. This doesn’t happen often…

How long did it take to get serious?

Not long at all. He told my roommate after about 3-4 months that he was going to marry me….of course I had no idea of this until we were engaged 5 months later.

Who does/ did the laundry?

Eww I hate laundry!! Currently, he does majority of it b/c I just don’t have time. However, sometimes I’ll help fold or put a load in…but he def. puts them away most of the time because I cant stand it. Then he has to listen to me nit pick about how he put stuff in the wrong spot. Lol. Yeah im a little OCD about organizing stuff.

Who’s better with the computer?

Def. him…he’s a graphic designer

Who drives when you are together?

Its kind of a toss up.

Our Wedding Day

1) When was your wedding day?
April 19, 2008

2) What day of the week was it?

3) Did you get married in a church?
nope….we got married at Marineland

4) How many in your wedding party?
5 girls, 5 guys, 1 flower girl, 1 ring bearer

5) How many guests were invited to your wedding?
um…I think around 175….and around 80 came. (they all had to travel)

6) How long did you wait to tie the knot after the proposal?
um…about 1 ½ years? Engaged Dec. 9th 2006

7) Did you register for gifts? If yes, where?
Yes…target, bed bath beyond, Sears(?)

8) Who did you hire as your photographer & videographer?
Photographer- Jeff Timbarge…my cousin’s husband

9) Did you have a DJ or a band?
DJ for the reception….live guitarists for the ceremony

10) Did your father walk you down the aisle?

11) What color were the bridesmaid dresses & groomsmen vests?
Bridesmaides dresses were a bright blue with purple ribbon and vests were purple

12) Who was your Maid Of Honor?
I had two…my best friends Revae and Allison

13) Did you have a bridal shower?
Yes 2.

14) What type of limo did you get?
We didn’t…unnecessary expense

15) Where did you go for your Bachelorette/Bachelor Party?
Bachelorette Party was combined with my friend’s Sarahs who got married the weekend after us. We went to Jax Beach to some places in a limo/escalade…lots of fun! Bachelor Party- the boys went out on Siesta Key…I had to yell at Kurt to quit calling me. haha

16) What type of wedding gown/tux did you two wear?
My gown was actually a bridesmaid dress (shh) I don’t remember the brand but I fell in love with it as soon as I put it on. The guys wore white tuxes.

17) How was the weather?
Beautiful!!! It was SUPPOSED to rain…and was very cloudy in the morning and looked rainy…I was so upset. But it cleared up as the day went on and turned out perfect.

18) Where did you go on your Honeymoon?

19) What was your favorite part of your wedding day?
I have lots… looking at everyone’s faces when the dolphins jumped…Kane bowing down to hand DJ the rings….pouring the unity sand…playing with the dolphins…walking on the beach to get our pictures was so nice b/c it was just the two of us and our photographer so it was a nice break. The dancing was fun…its always fun busting a move with my little brother.

20) How long have you been married?
Almost 1 year